Dr. Zheng-Johansson, J. X.




Research outline








Unification Project II

Unification Project I

Superfluid Project

Scientific Board


Courses by IOFPR



Earlier Events/2004

Earlier Events/2003

Earlier Events/2000-02

Early Seminar           






            Academic Degrees:


            Ph D of Physics, 1995 Uppsala University

            Lic of Technology, 1993, Uppsala University

            MS of Science, 1987, Lanzhou Inst. Physics

            BS of Science, 1982, North-East Univ. Tech.


                             *                              *                                *

Post doctoral work:

Post doc, Cond Matt Theory, Dept Physics, Uppsala Univ. 1995-96. 

Post doc, appointed, visit 1 w., Cavendish lab, Cambridge Univ, UK, 1996.

Post doc Fellow, Lab. Atomic & Solid State Physics, Cornell Univ., USA, 1997.

Visiting Fellow, H H Wills Physics Lab., Bristol University, UK, 1998,99.

                            *                              *                                *

Educations, post doctoral/ academic positions:

Physicist & Director, Inst. Fundamental Physics Research, Svarta  (2000-preent).

Guest Researcher, Theoretical Physics, Dept Physics, Linkoping Univ., 1999-2000.

Visiting Fellow, H H Wills Physics Lab., Bristol Univ., UK, 1998,99.

Post Doc, Lab. Atomic & Solid State Physics, Cornell Univ., USA, 1997.

Post Doc, Cavendish lab, Cambridge Univ, UK, 1996 (1w).

Post Doc, Cond Matt Theory, Dept Physics, Uppsala Univ. 1995-96.

Postgraduate, Dept of Neutron Research, Uppsala Univ., Studsvik, SWE, 1991-95

Assistant Researcher, Dept. Neutron Research, Uppsala Univ., Studsvik, SWE,199001-91

Researcher (permanent) Beijing (Optic Fiber) Glass Research Inst., PRC, 1987.09-89

Postgraduate, Lanzhou Inst Physics, PRC,1984.09-87.09

Post graduate courses, Xian Jiaotung Univ (communication & transport univ), 1984.09-85.09.

Engineering practitioner (permanent), Northwest Machinery Plant, PRC, 1982.09-84.08.

Undergraduate, Dept Fluiddynamics/Mechan Engineering, Northeast. Univ, PRC, 1978.09-1982.09.                                             

Teacher, (in math) HanZhong County high school, (in math, liter,fine arts, etc) elementary school, PRC, 1976-78.  



1997, 1998 Postdoctoral Exchange Fellowship, The Swedish Natural Science Research 

1997, 1998 Fellowship, Knut&Alice Wallenbergs Stiftelse.

1967-76: Awarded 'three-excellence student' and/or 'five-excellence red guard' each academic year during elementary/high school years.


Undergraduate thesis: excellent (5 excellents granted out of about 20 undergraduates.)

Undergraduate studies: scores in physics, mathematic, mechanics and fluid dynamics, thermodynamics, are regularly highest or very front in the department; total score rank third, out of about 20 students in the class.

Evaluation by the Bureau of Swedish Universities and Technique-high schools (UHA): my university courses examined during 1978 --1984 amount  to a total 230 points, about twice the required points for the undergraduate studies in Sweden.

High school/elementary school studies: rank of scores highest or in very front for all subjects (except for gymnastics).



1997 to(): Member of American Physical Society; special sections: Condensed Matter Physics; (etc: TBU)                                             

1997, 1998: Member of American Association for Advancement of Science.


Other professional duties:

 Session chair, 2017

Referee for Foundations of Physics (2011,  2016).

 Referee for J of Physics Conf Series (IOP), 28th Int Conf Colloq Group Theo Meth Phys. 2010.

 Session chair, Invited contributor/oral, 6th Int Symp on Quantum Theory & Symmetries, Univ Kentucky, Lexington, USA (2009).

 IARIA journal referee, Invited committee member, International Conference on Sys and Meas,  2016,2015, 2014, 2013, 2012.

 IARIA journal referee, Invited committee member, International Conference on Quantum, Nano, and Micro Technologies, ICQNM 2016,2015, 2014, 2013,2012, 2011, 2010, 2009,2008.

 Invited Member, Superconductivity E-Group (2004).

 Experts or Interest, Superconductivity E-Group (2003-).

 Invited contributor  at (a)  XV-th Int Conf Symmetry Meth Phys.2011.

 Invited contributors/oral, The XXVII to XVth Int Colloqs Group Theoretical  Methods in Physics,  Yerevan State Univ, Armenia (2008), Northumbria Univ, UK (2010)

 Invited contributor Integral Systems and Quantum Symmetries /oral, Prague,  2013, 2015, 2017.

 Invited contributor /oral, 7th Int Conf in Symmetry in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, Kieve, 2007.

 Invited contribution/oral, 4th, 5th, 6th 7th  Int Symp in Quantum Theory and Symmetries, Sofia Univ, Bulgaria, (2005); Valladolid () Univ,  Valladolid (2007), Univ Kentucky, Lexington (2009), Czech Technical Univ, Prague (2011)..

Invited contributor, TMS Annual Meeting, Towards Functional Nanomaterials -  Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications, USA, 2007-2011.

                Invited contributor in other international conferences/journals.

 Invited Author/ Invited editor, Nova Science (2003).


Selected seminars given by Dr Zheng-Johansson:

"The (New) Theory of Superfluidity of 4Helium", Seminar given at the Cavendish Lab, Cambridge University, UK, Nov, 1998

LMTO methods and their application in study of crystal structure stability, Group Seminar, LASSP, Cornell University, USA, 1997

MD simulation, CMT, Uppsala Univ, 1995

''Internally Electrodynamic (IED) Particle Model. It Experimental Basis and Its Predictions'', Seminar Discussions at Atomic Physics Group, Gothenburg University, Feb 16, 2011.

 ''A Unification Scheme for Classical and Quantum Mechanics at All Velocities'', Seminar, given at the Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Kiruna, Sweden, June, 2003.








 The mission of The Fundamental Physics Research is to promote fundamental physics research. Copyright@IOFPR2011