Courses/Seminars given by IOFPR





Research outline


Unification Project II

Unification Project I

Superfluid Project

Scientific Board


Courses by IOFPR



Earlier Events/2004

Earlier Events/2003

Earlier Events/2000-02

ZJ's Early Project  Proposals:

2002 VR

2001 NFR 

2001 KVA 

ZJ Unif papers 2000- 02 subs/commun.'s with Profs BJ, NA.  SS







Dr Zheng-Johansson is seeking a teaching/ research position at a university /academic institute which expresses interest.  Contact email







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Seminar Announcement, 2006

Unification of Classical, Quantum, and Relativistic Mechanics and of the Four Forces

  Dr. J. X. Zheng-Johansson

  IOFPR, 61193 Nyköping


 Today, we embrace a wealth system of established physics laws, the de Broglie relations, Schrödinger equation, Heisenberg uncertainty relation, Newton’s law of gravitation, and Einstein energy-mass relation, among others. We are confronted also with many unknowns. What constitute the vacuum which on shining light can give off a pair of new masses and charges? What is light wave which travels in vacuum like a sound wave in stretched string? What is waving with a de Broglie wave and more generally Schrödinger's wave function? How are these related to charge and electromagnetic wave? What is mass which is inclined to convert to and from energy? What causes two masses attracting each other? And many more.


 Through several years’ daily hard work, Dr Zheng-Johansson developed with overall experimental observations as input information a unification scheme which yields answers and solutions to these problems and a range of others in a unified theoretical framework.


 The scheme, briefly, consists in that (a) A basic material particle, like an electron, proton, etc, is made of an oscillating, massless charge +e or –e (termed a p- or n- vaculeon) and the resulting electromagnetic waves; (b) The vacuum is a dielectric filled of electrically neutral but polarizable entities called vacuuons, each consisting of a bound p- and n- vaculeons separated at ~5 10^{-18} m apart and attracted by a Coulomb energy ~ -0.5 GeV; this vacuum will in the presence of electric field be polarized and be induced with a shear elasticity.


 The solutions for a basic material particle generally in motion, with the charge quantity (naturally having a spin) and kinetic energy of its vaculeon charge as the sole inputs, predict accurately among others (1) the inertial mass, total wave function, total energy equal to mass times c^2, total momentum, kinetic energy and linear momentum of the particle, (2) that the particle is a de Broglie wave, and that it obeys (3) Newton's laws of motion, (4) the de Broglie relations, (5) the Schrödinger equation in small geometries, (6) the Newton's law of gravitation and (7) the Galileo-Lorentz transformation at high velocities.


 In this seminar Dr Zheng-Johansson shall first give an outline of the basic ideas of the unification scheme, its development based on overall experimental observations, how are the achieved solutions obtained in general, and what projects lie ahead. Dr Zheng-Johansson shall then focus to illustrate in detail the solution for one of the subtopics depending on interest.