I first review the whereabouts, especially the unsolved
problems in my opinion, in the issues of physics relevant to here,
including the interpretation of Schrötdinger's wave function, the nature of
inertial mass, space and time, the picture of elementary particles in qft
and in string theory, and the unification schemes, etc.
I then introduce our recently achieved result, The
Unification of Classical and Quantum Mechanics. Our approach is to firstly
derive a realistic submicroscopic model for vacuum (of a Dirac kind) based
on overall experimental observations, establish Newtonian equation of
motion of it under external perturbation, and solve. The solution and predictions
are presented in two parts. (I) The fundamental formation of martial
particles: Our solution shows that, a basic particle, which may be e.g. an
electron, is composed of a tiny free aether-pole (a bare charge) and the
mechanical wave disturbances identifying with electromagnetic waves
generated by it in the medium. When in motion, of velocity v (here
(v/c)-->0), as a result of a first kind source effect this particle wave exhibits all of
wave and dynamic properties known for a de Broglie wave, and is here called
a Newton- de Broglie (NdB) particle wave. In a confined space, the
Newtonian solution for the NdB particle wave is equivalent to that given by
Schrödinger's quantum mechanics. Through this general scheme for particle
formation we have accomplished a basic task of the unification of
classical- and the quantum- mechanics, both in terms of the deduction of
the latter from the former, and the convergence of the latter into the
former at high velocities. And we unfold the origins of a series of phenomena
including the electromagnetic waves, the electromagnetic radiation and
absorption, atomic and thermal excitations, the inertial mass, the
Schrödinger's wavefunction and de Broglie wave, the Heisenberg's
uncertainty relation, the de Broglie relations, the simultaneous existence
of electron and positron or generally of particles and their
anti-particles, the (rest) mass-energy equivalence relation, etc. (II) The
Theory of Relative motion: (A) we show that the (v/c)^2-dependent terms
yield in the particle wave and dynamic quantities a second kind source
motion effect (SSME). The SSME augments the particle mass, and the
wavevector and frequency of the particle's constituent waves, etc., by a
factor \g = 1/\sqrt{1-v^2/c^2} in the v-direction; and conversely for the
reciprocal quantities. Subsequently a moving body comprising the so
affected particles will present a simultaneous length and time contractions
(of Lorentz-Fitzgerald kind) as measured in the frame attached to the body.
(B) A systematic survey of pivotal experimental indications leads us to
conclude that the light velocities, c measured in vacuum and c' measured by
a moving observer, and the observer's v obey the common triangle law of
vector addition, conforming to the Galilean transformation (GT). (C)
Combining (A) and (B) yields a set of transformation equations between an
inertial reference frame at rest (in vacuum) and one moving relative to it,
called Galilean-Lorentz transformation (GLT). The GLT together with the
underlying theoretical basis of the general scheme yields a consistent
Theory of Relative Motion. With the theory, we predict the observational
null-/constant- fringe shift result of the
Michelson-Morley/Kennedy-Thorndike experiment, the Doppler effects of
electromagnetic waves, the equivalence principle of Newton's laws of motion
in all inertial frames, etc, and we extend the classical and quantum
mechanics to (v/c)^2 >>0. The complete agreement is in turn a
justification of the general scheme.
Finally, I outline the on-going and planned
research problems within our unification projects, these including the
derivation of Schrödinger's equations from Newton mechanics, the
formulations of a microscopic theory of gravity, and a theory of
relative motion in non-inertial frames, and a treaty of cosmological
See also