Institute of

Fundamental Physics Research



IOFPR Home Publication,  Books Research outline,   People,   Unification Project II,   Unification Project I, Superfluid Project, Scientific Board Join IOFPR,   Courses by IOFPR,   Collaboration/Links,   Donate   Earlier Events/2005 Earlier Events/2004   Earlier Events/2003   Earlier Events/2000-02 ZJ's Early Project  Proposals: 2002 VR   2001 NFR   2001 KVA    ZJ Unif papers 2000- 02 subs/commun.'s with Profs BJ, NA,JC,  SS,DG



Publications by IOFPR/

Zheng-Johansson's Recent Publications

  (from 1999)




37.  J X Zheng-Johansson,  "A Quantum Electromagnetic Theory of the IVB's and the Higgs" arXiv:1111.3123v6 (Part D), 2023

Abstract, QTS12, Prague, 2023.



36.  J X Zheng-Johansson,  "A Quantum Electromagnetic Theoretic Description of the tau's, rho's, etc (in draft, 2019-2023)


35.  J X Zheng-Johansson,  "A Quantum Electromagnetic Theory of the Muons, Pions and Their Emitting Particles (I)." 2019 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1416 012043. Proceedings of the International Conference on Integrable Systems and Quantum Symmetries ISQS26, Prague, July, 2019  Abstract. -Preprint : arXiv:1111.3123 (Part C)



34 J X Zheng-Johansson,  Inference of the Universal Constancy of Planck Constant based on First Principles, , 012119 / Proc Int Colloq on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics, Prague 2019


33.  J X Zheng-Johansson, "A Theory of Gravity and General Relativity based on Quantum Electromagnetism" (ISQS25, 2017), , , 012043  Proc on Integrable Systems and Quantum Symmetries ISQS25, Tech Univ, Prague, June 2017

        -Preprint : arXiv:physics/0612096v2 [physics.gen-ph] abs, pdf

       -Talk at the 25th International Conference on Integrable Systems and Quantum Symmetries ISQS25, Tech Univ, Prague, June 2017;



32.  J X Zheng-Johansson,  "A Microscopic Theory of the Neutron", Journal of Physics: Conference Series 670 (2016) 012056;

       -Preprint : arXiv:1111.3123 (scroll down to Part B) (earlier ed, not updated)viXra:1502.0245

       -Talk at the 23rd International Conference on Integrable Systems and Quantum Symmetries ISQS23, Tech Univ, Prague, June 23-29, 2015

       -earlier talk at Group Theory 30, Ghent, July 14-18, 2014.


32. # J X Zheng-Johansson "Matrix formulation of QM, IED particles"


31.  J X Zheng-Johansson, "Continuous Emission of A Radiation Quantum", Journal of Physics: Conf Series 474 (2013) 012035.  

         -Preprint arxiv:1312.0918.

         -Talk at the XXIst International Conference on Integrable Systems and Quantum Symmetries (ISQS21), Prague, 2013


30.  J X Zheng-Johansson, "Inference of the Universal Constancy of Planck Constant based on First Principles",  arxiv:1302.2572

      -Talk at 6th International Workshop  DICE 2012 (Space-Matter-Quantum Mechanics from quantum scale to emergent phenomena),  2012.


29.  J X Zheng-Johansson,  "Vacuum Potentials for the Two Only Permanent Free Particles, Proton and Electron. Pair Productions", J. Phys Conf Series 343 , 012135, 2012.   Preprint arxiv1111.3123,

    -Talk at the 7th Int Quantun Theory and Symmetries, Aug 2011, Czech Tech Univ, Prague .


28  J X Zheng-Johansson,  "Quantum Mechanical Probability of Internally Electrodynamic Particle(s)", Presentation at Int Colloq Group Theo Meth Phys, Group 28, Northumbria Univ, 2010. Preprint arxiv1011.1344


27.  J X Zheng-Johansson,  "Electromagnetic model of neutrino", 2011.


26.  J X Zheng-Johansson,  "A quantum field theoretic treatment of IED particle (a unified representation of quantum electrodynamics and quantum field theory for particles) ", 2011.


25.  J X Zheng-Johansson,  "Quantum Optics of IED particle II: Single IED particle diffraction from a crystal lattice",  (Internal, 2010)


24.  J X Zheng-Johansson,  "Quantum Gravity of IED Particle, A First Principles Prediction", (Internal, 2010).


22. J X Zheng-Johansson,  "Self interference of  single IED particle  in  double slit ",    J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 462 (2013) 012061, Proceedins of 6th International Symposium on Quantum Theory and Symmetries (QTS6), ed S.R. Das and A.D. Shapere, Lexington, 20–25 July 2009, Lexington, Kentucky, USA; preprint arXiv1004.5000;

Abstract communication at ICQNM (2009).


21.   J X Zheng-Johansson,  "Internally Electrodynamic Particle Model: Its Experimental Basis and Its Predictions",  Phys. Atom. Nucl., 73, 571-81(2010);  Proceedings 27th Int Group Theoretical Method in Physics, Yrevan, 2008;  preprint:  arxiv:0812.3951.


20.   J X Zheng-Johansson, "Dirac Equation for Electrodynamic Particles," Journal of Physics: Conference Series 128 , 012019 (2008)  Proceedings of the Vth International Symposium on Quantum Theory and Symmetries; (preprint): arxiv:0801.4279v2 


19.   J X Zheng-Johansson, "Doebner-Goldin Equation for Electro-dynamic Particles. The Implied Applications"  (submitted for publication, 2008);  (preprint):  arxiv:0801.4279


18.   J X Zheng-Johansson,  "Schrödinger Equation for Electrodynamic Particles," (to be submitted, 2008); (preprint): ---; (earlier edition: arXiv:physics/0411134v5), with P-I Johansson


17.   J X Zheng-Johansson,  "Gravity of  Electrodynamic Particles,"  (preprint: updated), with  P-I Johanson


16.   J X Zheng-Johansson, "Vacuum Structure ad Potential," (preprint) arXiv:0704.0131v1.


15.   J X Zheng-Johansson,  "Dielectric Theory of Vacuum," (preprint)  arXiv:physics/0612096.


14.   J X Zheng-Johansson, "Developing de Broglie Wave,"  Prog. Phys. () 2006; (preprint): arXiv:physics/0608265, with P-I Johansson


13.   J X Zheng-Johansson,  "Orientation Quantization of Atomic Angular Momentum from Quantum-Electrodynamic Stability Conditions," (in manuscript, 2006).


12.   J X Zheng-Johansson, "Spectral Emission of Moving atom," Prog. Phys. () 2006   (preprint) arXiv:physics/0606154 


11.  J X Zheng-Johansson, "Mass and Mass Energy Relation from Classical-Mechanics Solution," Physics Essays 19, 544-552 (2006);  (Preprint:) arXiv:physics/0501037, with  P-I Johansson


10.   J X Zheng-Johansson,  "Gravity between  Internally Electrodynamic Particles," (updated), with P-I Johansson  J X Zheng-Johansson, with P-I Johansson, R Lundin,  "Depolarization Radiation force in a Dielectric Medium. Its Analogy with Gravity*," Quantum Theory and Symmetries IV, 2, Supp Bulg J Phys 33,Ed V.K. Dobrev, Heron Press, 2006, 771-780.


 The gravity theory  is solely ready developed by IOFPR  (ZJ) as a prediction in terms of the IED particle model and solutions; the paper is ready written by IOFPR (ZJ);  the research is privately funded by Scientist P-I Johansson.


9.  J. X. Zheng-Johansson, "Inference of Schrödinger Equation from Classical-Mechanics Solution " Quantum Theory and Symmetries IV, 2, Supp Bulg J Phys 33, Ed V.K. Dobrev, Heron Press, 2006,763-770; (Preprint:)  arXiv:physics/0411134, with P-I. Johansson


8.  J. X. Zheng-Johansson "A unification scheme for classical and quantum mechanics at all velocities ”, (preprint): arxiv:physics/0412168, with P-I. Johansson


7.   J. X. Zheng-Johansson, “Critical velocity for Superfluiduity Motion in Channels Narrower than Micrometers” (preprint),  Exempt from book 1-59033-974-6, 1590339746, with P-I  Johansson.



6.   J. X. Zheng-Johansson, "Neutron Scattering by Superfluid He II about Dispersion Minimum,” (preprint) arxiv:cond-mat/0410442; in  book 1-59033-974-6;  IOP.Eprintweb.


5b.   J X. Zheng-Johansson, “Unification Scheme for Classical and Quantum Mechanics at all Velocities (I) Fundamental Formation of Material Particles” Submitted to Proc Royl Soc, London, Feb 24, 2003, subID 03PA0056;  resub Mar 14, 2003). (Full work accepted for publications later elsewhere), with P-I Johansson


5.   J X. Zheng-Johansson, “Unification Scheme for Classical and Quantum Mechanics at all Velocities” quantph/0312020 [14 pages, 4 figures,]. (full work accepted for publication), with P-I Johansson


4.   J X. Zheng-Johansson and B Johansson, "The peaked structure of phonon density of states of a confined superfluid - a theoretical prediction, ...",  J. de Physique IV, France, vol.10, Dynamics in Confinement, Edited by B. Frick, Zorn and H. Büttner, Pr7-181-184, EDP Sciences, France, 2000.


3.   J X. Zheng-Johansson, B Johansson,   "Theory of Superfluid He II," (preprint) arxiv:cond-mat/0206339, with P-I Johansson


2.   J X. Zheng-Johansson, B Johansson,   "Superfluidity Mechanism of He II," (preprint), with P-I Johansson


 1.  J. X. Zheng-Johansson, The Theory of Superfluidity of 4Helium, (preprint) arXiv:cond-mat/9901125  






(2010-today: to be included )


2009:   J X Zheng-Johansson, QTS  6  (to be included)


2009:   J X Zheng-Johansson,  "Quantum optics of IED particle" ICQNM 2009


2009:   J X Zheng-Johansson,  (to be included)


2009:   J X Zheng-Johansson,  Experimental Basis for IED Particle Model, E1.00045 (APS April, 2009)


2009:   J X Zheng-Johansson, Quantum Gravity of IED Particles, Novel Aspects of Gravity, Amer Bull, X11.00007, (APS April, 2009)


2009:   J X Zheng-Johansson,  "Experimental Basis for IED Particle Model" (Oral), D17, Focus Session, Foundations of Quantum Theory, APS March Meeting, March 16–20; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


2008:  Talk: J X Zheng-Johansson, "Internally Electrodynamic Particle Model: Its Experimental Basis and Its Predictions", 27th Int Group Theoretical Method in Physics, Yrevan, 2008.


2008: J X Zheng-Johansson,  "Doebner-Goldin Equation for Electro-dynamic Particles. The Implied Applications"Abstract/Oral, APS March Meeting, New Orleans,  2008.


2008:  J X Zheng-Johansson, "Dirac Equation for Electrodynamic Particles," Oral: APS March Meeting, New Orleans


2007: J X Zheng-Johansson,  "Dirac Equation for Electrodynamic Particles," Talk: Quantum Theory and Symmetries 5; Valladolid


2007: J X Zheng-Johansson, "Doebner-Goldin Equation for Electro-dynamic Particles. The Implied Applications" Talk: 7th Int Conf on Symmetry in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics,  2007;   


2007:  (to be included)


2007:  (to be included)


2006:  J X Zheng-Johansson, “Atomic Stability as Result of Electrodynamic Stability Condition,” Topics in Quantum Foundations, Bullet Amer Phys Soc, Q1.00305, 2006, with P-I Johansson;


2006:  J X Zheng-Johansson, “Vacuum Structure and Dynamics, Particle Formation,  Bullet Amer Phys Soc, H12.00003, Apr, 2006, with P-I Johansson


2006:  J X Zheng-Johansson, “Inference of Schroedinger Equation from Classical-Mechanics Solution,”  B4.000004-Topics in Quantum Foundations, Bullet Amer Phys Soc, March, 2006, with  P-I Johansson


2005:   J. X. Zheng-Johansson, “Origin of Mass. Prediction of Mass per Newton-Maxwell Solution”,  Bullet Amer Phys Soc.,Y9.00005-New Ideas in Particle Theory, April, 2005, with P-I. Johansson


2005: Talk: 4th Int Symp Quantum Theory and Symmetries, J. X. Zheng-Johansson,  "Inference of Schrödinger Equation from Classical-Mechanics Solution "  Varna, Aug, 2005.


2005: Talk: 4th Int Symp Quantum Theory and Symmetries, J. X. Zheng-Johansson  "Depolarization Radiation force in a Dielectric Medium. Its Analogy with Gravity," Varna, Aug, 2005


2005:  J. X. Zheng-Johansson, et al “Nature of Gravity Wave” D1.00012   Bullet Amer Phys Soc, April, 2005, with P-I. Johansson


2005:  J. X. Zheng-Johansson,  “Origin of mass. Prediction of Mass per Newton-Maxwell solution”  Bullet Amer Phys Soc,   Y9.00005-new ideas in particle theory, April, 2005, with P-I. Johansson


2005:  J. X. Zheng-Johansson, “Electromagnetic Radia-tion of a Decelerating Moving de Broglie Particle:”,  Amer Phys Soc Bullet, T13.00009-Intermediate Energy Accelerators, Radiation Sources, and New Acceleration Methods, April, 2005, with P-I. Johansson


2005:     J. X. Zheng-Johansson, “Inference of Schrodinger Equation from Classical Wave Mechanics” ,  Bullet Amer Phys Soc, L1.00014, April,  2005, with P-I. Johansson


2005:    J. X. Zheng-Johansson,  “Structure Factor of Superfluid He II about Dispersion Minimum,”   Bullet Amer Phys Soc, N33.00014  Quantum Liquid and Solid III, March, 2005


2005:    J. X. Zheng-Johansson,  Inference of Schrodinger's Equation from Classical Wave Mechanics, Bullet Amer Phys Soc, P33 Quantum Mechanical Properties, March, 2005, with P-I. Johansson


2004:  J. X. Zheng-Johansson,  Inference of Schrodinger Equation from Newtonian Mechanics,    Bullet Amer Phys Soc, D10.015  -Charm Quark States, May, 2004, with  P-I. Johansson.


2004:   J. X. Zheng-Johansson,  et al Inference of Newton’s law of Gravitation, Bullet Amer Phys Soc, C4.022 May, 2004, P-I Johansson


2004:   J. X. Zheng-Johansson,  Inference of Schrodinger Equation from Newtonian Mechanics,    C4, Bullet Amer Phys Soc, May, 2004, with  P-I. Johansson


2004:   J. X. Zheng-Johansson, Superfluidity Mechanism of He II ,  Bullet Amer Phys Soc, L15.011 - Quantum Fluids and Solids IV, Mach, 2004


2004:   J. X. Zheng-Johansson: Unification Scheme for Classical and Quantum Mechanics at all Velocities, (Oral, Bullet Amer Phys Soc, Y38.006 General Theory Mach, 2004, with P-I. Johansson

[In about 2004, 2005 by a new APS' new rule, each author/Zheng-Johansson can only submit max two abstracts as first author. See further background here.]


2003:   J X. Zheng-Johansson, “Fundamental formation of material particles at all velocities”,  Bullet Amer Phys Soc, C14.004 Theoretical Physics, April, 2003, with P-I Johansson.


2003:   J X. Zheng-Johansson, "Unification of Classical and Quantum Mechanics, & The Theory of Relative Motion" ,  Bullet Amer Phys Soc,  G35.001-General Physics, March, 2003.


2002:   J X. Zheng-Johansson, (to be included)


2001:   J X. Zheng-Johansson, (to be included)


2000:   J X. Zheng-Johansson, (to be included)


1999   J X. Zheng-Johansson, Superfluidity of 4Helium: The Zheng-Johansson Theory , G1545012, Bullet Amer Phys Soc, 1999.




Books (see content list in


5.   J X. Zheng-Johansson,    *Inference of Basic Law of Classical, Quantum and Relativistic Mechanics from First-Principles Classical-Mechanics Solutions   (updated title), Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, 2005,  ISBN: 1-59454-261-9. with P-I Johansson.


*The IED particle model, vacuum structure and basic solutions described in this book (not yet in print) are in the final forms. Some views, terms and ways of introductions will be updated or revised before printing. /JXZJ, 2010-06-04.


4.   J X. Zheng-Johansson and P-I Johansson, Unification of Classical, Quantum and Relativistic Mechanics and of the Four Forces, Nova Science Publishers,  New York, 2005, pp.250, ISBN: 1-59454-260-0,  (Errata for 1st printing  to be placed here)


3.   J X. Zheng-Johansson,  The Superfluidity Mechanism of He II, in New Developments in Superconductivity Research, with P-I Johansson, R.W. Stevens Editor, The Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York, 2003.  ISBN1-59033-862-6


2.   J X. Zheng-Johansson,  The Microscopic Theory of He II and its QCE Superfluidity Mechanism Applied to SuperconductorsThe Nova Science Publishers, Inc, New York, 2004. ISBN: 1-59033-974-6.

coauthored with P-I Johansson.

Collaborators B Johansson, J Wilson; non-scientific  co-author P-I Johansson.


1.   J X. Zheng-Johansson, The Theory of Superfluidity of 4Helium, Published in Sweden Oct, 1998, ISBN: 91-630-7520-2.




Early project proposals


*d.   J X. Zheng-Johansson, "Apply the Achieved 'Unification Scheme for Classical and Quantum Mechanics at All Velocities and Gravitational and EM Forces' for a Treaty of Cosmology and Cosmogony",  VR Project Proposal, host location IRF, April 24,2004.


*c (to be included, 2003)


 *b.   J X. Zheng-Johansson, "Unification Scheme of the Four Forces” (review of achieved results on : ”Unification of Classical and Quantum Mechanics at All Velocities”), VR Project Proposal, host location KTH, May, 2002.


*a2.   J X. Zheng-Johansson, "Fundamental Construction of Material Particles,”  NFR Project Proposal, KTH/host to be located, May(), 2001.


 *a1.   J X. Zheng-Johansson, "Fundamental Construction of Material Particles,”  KVA Project Proposal, KTH, Feb, 2001.





Dr JX Zheng-Johansson (JXZJ) is the initiator and scientific sponsor of the unification project I-II/ superfluid project, is  responsible for the conceptions and developments of the model/theories/schemes, and is  responsible for  the writings of the scientific papers and books within the projects.

        The Unification Projects began in 2000, spin-off from Dr Zheng-Johansson's superfluid theory. The original motivation was to give a more comprehensive representation of  quantum particles, as the superfluid He II atom is, in respect to quantization, wave phenomena, and excitations, etc. 

       The initial pivotal experimental input used for conceiving the IED particle model were the Davison-Germer and GP Thompson  experiments demonstrating (free) electron diffraction, hence the de Broglie wave and relations, the experimental facts of the convertibility (by absorption/ emission) between matter particle's thermal energy and electromagnetic radiation, and that the quantization of  matter wave and electromagnetic wave share the common formulas of "Planck constant h /(deB or EM) wavelength" (or h ´  (deB or EM wave) frequency". 

       At a later stage at the vacuum-matter interface, for justifying the IED particle as the unique candidate and that the electrometric waves and their generating oscillatory charge are fully responsible for the de Broglie phase wave function, mass and total energy of a particle,  the pair production and annihilation experiments (involved in tracer diffusion exp, introduced by Professor K Skold, as part JXZJ's PhD thesis work at Studvik) provide a crucial indication. 

         The unification project (2003-present) has been privately funded by scientist P-I Johansson who has given continued moral support for the research.  


Professors B Johansson and N Ashcroft, from their broad expertise in the fields of quantum and classical theories of condensed matter (as assemble of microscopic particles or as continuum),  were the first professors who saw the significances of the de Broglie wave solutions for the IED particle  (2000-02)  and polarizable dielectric vacuum.  

       See further Projects I-II/superfluid project related papers for acknowledgements to the discussions, communications with other physicist, scientists.


IOFPR Public Announcement

