The IOFPR PERMANENTLY FORBBIDS the Stealing of the IOFPR research money for Prostitution-payment to a Social-Scam-Sex -Worker + ransoms-payment to a Blackmailer-Liar who has accused &blackmailed everyone around.
The only substantial materials held by the blackmailer for the ransoms payments are (to IOFPRs info):
(a) video recording(s) of sex with mgh-- in an obvious pre-meditated set up for ransoms payment (based on the time and background why they met), and
(b) (unquestionably) audio recording(s) of internet visual/oral sex with gth (in another obvious pre-mediated set up for ransoms payments based on the time and background why they met via internet).
To IOFPR ‘s info, the blackmailer has threatened mhj to display the sex video in internet); and the blackmailer has in daily media exposure (for one or two years) publically “claimed” being “raped” by gth . The accusation against gth has appeared silenced that coincided the indication that gth will steal the IOFPR's research money to pay this sex worker.
The IOFPR has consulted the Swedish legal /knowledgeable organisations
/personals on these issues:
-Payment for receiving prostitution is CRIMINAL by the Swedish law.
-Spreading LIES (for money in this case) is CRIMINAL by the Swedish law.
-Blackmailing (against IOFPR for money, let alone stealing the IOFPR research money to pay blackmail-ransoms in their proposals to an Organisation in this case) is CRIMINAL by the Swedish law.
See these
images of what the sex worker is
Latest filings*
-2017-12-27: File report to Swedish Police against criminal activities of asian iranian criminal suspect mhj . CC: Norway Police Oslo district.
-2017-12-21: File report to Norway Police against criminal activities of iranian suspect mhj .
- ~2017-12-20: Contact Swedish Police concerning recent criminal activities of iranian mhj.
Refs*:(ia). By the Swedish law, public sexual assaults/rape -for money, are doubly criminal
(ib). By the Swedish law, BLACKMAILING for money (+scientific credit*) is criminal.
(ic). By the Swedish law, spreading LIES for (STEALING) money (+ scientific credit*) is criminal.
(id). By the Swedish law, forging a proposal based on LIES for (STEALING) money (+scientific credit) to an Organisation is criminal.
*The criminality in each case has been confirmed the Police
*An old incomplete filing with the Swedish Police exists. In that filing, items (ia), (ic), (id) are not addressed by the police (manipulative back-door talks appears to happened), or not included in the filing. Item (ib) is based on an old evidence -- (that was not sufficient for the police to draw conclusion). New evidence materials exist, have not been submitted to the police.
Beware: an asiana midsixty aged social scam pornhole foodstamp surppoted PROSTITUTE THIEF LIAR VULTURE that has not dared to contact me for decade because of STEALING-MONEY-MOTIVATED LIES, that has been PERMANENTLY CUT OFF from my connection, that may be disguised under FALSE connection to me going behind my back, LIEing around, attempting to PROSTITUTE around, STEALING MONEY around, in most spitable way, among my scientific associates.
This most despicable social-slam-MoneyTHIEF-prostitute sex worker VULTURE of mhj's has back-street circulated accusations against every one of my close scientific associates/ collaborators, using it to blackmail for (STEALING) money in return. (the through a sex worker's eye) distorted "pictures" of my associates may come from the sex worker's prostitution process to mhj)
The blackmail with a real substance concerns mhj himself: the prostitute has record of sex video of mhj. Below is a metaphor image repeatedly posted in mhj's spam gossips [mhj and his prostitute are impersonated as "trump" and (sex worker) "stormy daniels"].
Based on mhj's daily spam emails, mhj has been paying prostitution payments to his prostitute regularly over past years.
Prostitution in iran
I rejected mhj from the early days based on my impression of mhj deriving from his daily spam emails+internet contents:
quality-less, low*, insincere, many-faced, untrustworthy, deceiving, fanatic, psychopathic,. Plus, non-professional as to his approaches. s
*the lowest person I had never seen among my trusted colleagues
** As exposed from mhj's more recent spam e-mails, mhj's motivation is purely for MONEY.
**** In particular, as mhj's own medium show revealed, xxx has been accused by a (his) wormen prostitute for having rapped the wormen, As a result xxx has been blackmailed for publicly posting this relevant video unless receiving large money. (compare this with mhj's own balckming-for-money conduct). xxx obviously wants large money for himself, as well as for paying the prostitute.
**** Also as revealed in mhj's spam mails, xxx has been paying this (poverty-stricken) prostitute for daily living expenses (abusing swedish government money?) --- in exchange for lies.
mhj has thereafter persistently made attacks by means of daily media harassments; daily media gossips based on obvious theft-of-money motivated lies. mhj's acts are un-constitutional in a constitutional country.
Based on mhj's spam messages, my rejection had been in official effect for a couple of years (until 2016), had prohibited mhj from putting the theft to a trial. In 2016, the imposed ban on xxx appeared to be lifted. This coincided with events including the following :
Since late 2015-2016, creeptical messages had appeared, pointing apparently to blackmailing threats -using privacy material from my earlier swedish co-worker (reported to police). Blackmailing for money is criminal by the Swedish law---which should apply for crimes by a foreigner committed in Sweden. (Have heard of no scientific community that admits blackmailing for science credit.) Due to the creeptic nature of the threat-message, the police has not been able to put a hand on the things.
In 2016, xxx had apparently made public sexual assaults in some communities (reported to police, have not received direct response).
Spam emails containing creeptic blackmail threats (New filing with the police is in preparation).
mhj has similarly gossip-attacked in fanatic style basically everyone (highly respected/highly established people) on his way.
20180228: Send official letters rejecting "proposal" sent in by mhj for money based on researches of JXZJ+ Acknowledged Collaborators.
-2018: The IOFPR forbids m-h jensen (iranian residing in noway) to steal (to send in proposal for, or to hind under other's proposal for) NONE part of the scientific work of JXZJ/IOFPR and Acknowledged Collaborators
Ref: on going/past CRIMINAL activities of iranian mhj: blackmailing for money, public sexual harassments -rapes, public one-man's spreading stealing-money motivated LIES/ one-man's public gossiping harassments on internet, in my homecity, others.
2017-0915: A formal rejection letter of mhj has been sent on 2017-09-15 to the ORGANISATION in question.)
-Payment for receiving prostitution is CRIMINAL by the Swedish
It is my trust that an honorable ORGANISATION shall NEVER gratify money and credit to such a criminal as mousten h jensen mhj .(See below).
mhj is sort of profession, non-professional, in his conducts not worth mention here.
(Based on mhj's latest gossiping show, mhj had been accused by his prostitute for raping her, demands for large money payment. mhj seems not willing to pay for his prostitution. He is trying to use his solo gosspings to charge this payment to someone having NOTHING to do with his prostitution. Here is the crookedness, the bitch-ness of this mhj. )
(some historical factors:: mhj is an ordinary science worker, has NO "out of the crowed" scientific establishment, was rejected by me for submitting a proposal from the beginning. mhj might felt being humiliated because of his Iranian origin, which was not the true reason. )
The attached self-confession document below exemplifies how the criminal-based gun of THIEFS blackmail for money in the past:
- Citation of L. Callaway/Stanford Univ recent year research result: Gossips have nothing to do with one being gossiped, but one doing it.
- Alike, projections have nothing to do with one being projected, but one doing it.
- One does not expect a person's perception to go beyond the life hi/she has been too used to.
- One projects through one's own perceptions.
- Proverb: One can not lift one's own weight.
- Looking at histories, accusations come but from one of such disadvantaged, murky, stealing hands:
-- (obsessively) inscure about own future. Envy of other's advantages.
-- (desperately) insecure about money for day to day living. Envy, evilness.
Arranged lies open up opportunities for prostitutions, for thefts of money, up to historically theft of life in open question marks.